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Our Saviour School teaches Roman Catholic values in a faith-centered environment. The faculty and staff assist families in the total development of their children’s potential, instilling spiritual, intellectual, and physical growth. Our Saviour School prepares students to lead and serve.


Our Saviour School will become a unified school community, working collaboratively to create an innovative, vertically-aligned Pre-K through 8 curriculum, using the standards as a roadmap, to ensure spiritual, intellectual, and physical growth for all students.


We believe Our Saviour School is an extension of Our Saviour Parish as one of its learning centers. In this unique setting, the primary goal is the nurturing of the religious, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of the students as children of God, according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, with worship as an integral part of the educational process. We believe students learn best when they are motivated by a desire to acquire knowledge and growth in maturity; when they respect their teachers, realizing the teachers’ commitment to their intellectual and moral development; when they are concerned about the feelings of their peers, and know their peers are concerned about theirs; when they have a respect for authority and enjoy the respect of the entire school staff; when they feel loved and wanted at school; when they are encouraged by parents to study and to cooperate at school; when they give of themselves in service to their school and community. We believe teachers teach best when they are at peace with themselves; when they are motivated by their dedication to their work and by their commitment to their students; when they are free of bias and treat all their students with fairness, recognizing their differing backgrounds and abilities; when they can practice their profession free of tension, secure in the constant respect and support of their pastor, principal and fellow teachers; when they are confident of open and helpful communication with parents; when they are an integral part of a community of love. We believe the parents and school function as partners when there is shared commitment to meet the educational needs of the children based on a spirit of love, cooperation and understanding. We believe the school extends the parish when all members of the parish work together to provide an education for the students which integrates academic excellence, worship, and the living of the Catholic faith.


This Board is an advisory body consisting of the following 11 members: the parish pastor, the school principal, both ex-officio, and 9 others. The purpose of the Board is advisory and consultative in nature. The Board meetings are on the school calendar. They may also meet at other times as deemed necessary. All meetings of the Board are open to members of the parish and/or parents/guardians of school children. Any concerns or suggestions of parishioners are welcome. (See Grievance Procedure) Written requests or issues to be addressed by the Board will be accepted by the Advisory Board president. Such a request should be submitted to the Board president 5 days prior to the School Board meeting. Minutes of past meetings are available upon request from the Board secretary. Areas of Board Responsibility: 1. Mission 2. Planning 3. Policy Formation 4. Finances 5. Development/public relations/marketing 6. Evaluation of the Board effectiveness 7. Evaluation of Principal/Board relationship 8. Search for Principal

Our Saviour School 2023-2024 Advisory Board:

  • Fr. Joe Ring, Ex Officio

  • Stevie VanDeVelde, Ex Officio

  • Scott Marshall, President

  • Lindsay English, Vice-President

  • Patty Fitzpatrick, Secretary

  • Carrie Cole, Member

  • Erin Eoff, Member

  • Joan Ryan, Member

  • Beth Knollhoff, Member

  • Sean Hynes, Member

  • Jill Copeland, Member

Prayer Group

Strategic Goals

"A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become Saints." - Pope Benedict XVI

Click Here to learn more about our goals.

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