Welcome to Our Saviour School’s Pre-K! At Our Saviour Pre-K, your child will be given the opportunity to grow academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually through developmentally appropriate activities in a safe learning environment.
IMPORTANT PRE-K INFORMATION: 1. It is our policy that children must be 3 or 4 years old, respectively, by September 1 of the school year. 2. Children must be toilet trained in order to enroll in the program. 3. A health physical, within the past year, including lead screening, is required for each child enrolling in the program. These are due by October 15. Please notify the school and teacher if your child has any allergies. 4. Rest Time occurs for any full-day Pre-K student. Each child is to bring to school (to keep at school) a small blanket and a small stuffed animal/”lovie”. No pillows or sleeping bags, please!
Pre-K is a time for students to learn how to take turns, listen to their teachers, and work with others. While we do expect students to always do their best, we do not expect perfection. If a student is having difficulty with classroom rules or behavior, he/she will be given several verbal reminders. If the behavior continues, he/she will be removed from the situation, given a verbal correction, and a reflection time. We will always follow up by talking about the classroom rules and discuss better choices for next time. Students in the 4-year-old class will use a system of colors to help monitor classroom behavior. This system will be introduced and practiced with students as part of our beginning of the year routine. More information about this system will be sent home at a later date.