All parents/guardians of students in Our Saviour School are members of the Parent Club. Â All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the Parent Club meetings which are listed on the school calendar. Â Parent Club meeting attendance will be counted as Service Hours.

Scrip is a fundraising program that costs you absolutely nothing and works while you do everyday activities The Scrip Program purchases gift cards from national and local businesses for a discount and sells them to you for full face value. That discount is then split 50/50 between Our Saviour School and you, the purchaser, in the form of a tuition discount for either Our Saviour School or Routt. Click here for more information.
Each year Our Saviour Grade School and Routt High School host the Dreams Drawing. 4,200 tickets are sold and the winners are drawn at the Family Fun Festival held Labor Day weekend. Click here for more information